馬英九Vs謝長廷超級政績比一比(歡迎轉寄)~轉載自""wu1941的部落格"" 綠綠的""逆民跛腳"" 馬英九超級政績比一比(歡迎轉寄)1. 下水道 接管率40% 變 81.57%在中央完全不補助台北市下水道經費,還能做這種看不到的建設,真的重視環保。另外也建了 迪化污水處理站 增加處理率,配合污水截流,但民進黨執政16年台北縣接管率才5%,淡水河污染暫時仍難回天。 2. 垃圾袋隨袋徵收 使民眾垃圾分類更確實 垃圾減量效果極佳。87 年平均?宜蘭民宿C日垃圾量為 4,039 公噸, 94年1月至10月底止平均每日垃圾量1,651 公噸,幾乎減半。 3. 內湖科學園區產值破1兆=新竹科學園區的規模>台南科學園區3500億 > 高雄市軟體科學園區0產值。另外新建的南港軟體園區未來看俏,沒多久產值就破千億。 4. 台北捷運:板橋到土城及部分板橋新站工程 完工。捷運『信義 南港東延 新莊蘆洲 內湖 松山線 機場 』動工。機場捷運 墾丁民宿台北站將發包成76層雙子星大樓,繁榮附近商圈。5. 悠遊卡建置、推廣及普及化: 悠遊卡自91年9月30日全面上市起至94年11月17日止,發行量已突破 622 萬張。為全臺發行量最大之交通票證,在全世界發行交通 IC卡的城市位居第 6。 6. 公園 660成長為773 座, 94 年底預計每人享有面積 4.999 ㎡ ,共增加 0.69 ㎡(你把0.69乘上250萬人就知增加多少了公園面積啦) 7. 任內人行道更新1,814,841平?日月潭民宿銴膜堙C人行道鋪面經混凝土鋪面、混凝土塊磚,進化至美觀又具防滑粗糙度的彩色預鑄高壓塊磚 面積是前市長158,325的十倍有餘。 8. 馬英九是歷任市長中最積極推動體育者,推廣全民運動。硬體上推動十二行政區興建市民運動中心、興建台北小巨蛋、廣建泳池及泳池溫水改建、興建腳踏車道、公園慢跑步道及登山步道等,並在各垃圾焚化場、掩埋場、污水處理廠設置運動設施,同時完成大巨蛋BOT案;軟體上,要求小學生會 麻辣鍋游泳才能畢業,身體力行推廣慢跑、游泳、騎自行車等各項運動。 9. 馬英九是歷任市長中唯一經歷過各種重大災害的市長,從九二一地震、限水旱災、納莉風災、九一一水災,以及SARS疫災等,這位災難市長從此痛定思痛,成立世界級的台北國際搜救隊、提升防救災機制,強化災害預防評估、通報效率與救災速度,成立第二災害應變中心、完成全市九成九以上的河川堤防興建與抽水站升級,並首次完成山坡地危險聚落遷移。 10. 馬英九也是 麻辣火鍋歷任市長中最著力發展資訊建設者,從提供市民免費電子信箱及上網訓練起步,成為台灣電子化政府之首,硬體建設上,任內從各機關學校架設寬頻、光纖,到全市的無線網路建設;軟體上,截至目前為止,府內已有八十八%的公文都是用電子公文交換,市府首長全部改由攜帶手提電? ㄥ}會,同時建立市府資訊知識網,涵蓋各項會議內容、法規、市政計畫與每日即時新聞。並完成世界第一涵蓋率無線上網的都市 11. 擴展北市快速道路系統一:環東快速道路完成讓台 火鍋吃到飽北可以迅速到內湖南港,甚至於連接高速公路快速到達汐止與基隆地區。雖然這是黃大洲市長任內規劃,在陳水扁市長任內因為選票考量而停工兩年,馬英九上任馬上重新動工 且快速完工。二: 內湖捷運系統動工:雖然尚未完成但是陳水扁任內因  選票考量連規劃都尚未做過。三:環北快速道路完成通車:環河北路到北投關渡的快速道路曾經因為陳水扁市長選票考量而從未計劃的工程,目前可以讓民眾從北投關渡開車直接進入台北市中心。四:信義快速道路完成通車:讓台北市景美文 盤纏銀兩山地區,曾經因為陳水扁市長選票考量而從未計劃的工程,目前可以讓文山 景美 木柵甚至於新店地區民眾可以快速進入台北市東區五:天母快速道路已經開工:完工後可以解決天母地區交通擁塞,這是陳水扁市長任內沒有想到的便民工程六: 松山機場復興北路地下道:陳水扁任內停工馬英九排除抗爭完工,創下世界唯一,營運中的機場跑道下開挖地下道工程的復興北路穿越松山機場地下道,歷經10年工期,擔負南北交通動脈角色的復北地下道,全長667公尺,與大直橋連通,未來大直、天母和內湖車輛,往返市區將可節省約20 金瓜石民宿分鐘。****** 馬英九                                                                            謝長廷台北市,失業率 九份民宿全國最低                                高雄市,失業率全國最高台北市,廉潔度被評比全國最高                       高雄市,廉潔度全國最低台北市打造了年營收2兆3千億的內湖科學園區    高雄市,花數百億將成功物流園區及小港空運園區變蚊 清境子館  .

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          The Film "The Scar" You are law makers, you must have the duty to guard all your less evil people's right, that's why you have to have the guts to make law to clearly tell your people that every one of them can have the right to use gun to kill anyone if anyone of them 關鍵字廣告 can have the good will and good skill to give anyone a good shot to get the most merciful way to leave. So that your less evil people does not need to fear to use gun to kill to make self-defense when anyo 室內設計ne of them feels self under the evil doers held. When your law cannot free any your less evil people to have the freedom to make self-defense, your entire nation must lose your freedom to make self-defense. Because the lawle 找房子ss Godless gangsters must have no way to respect what your law says to them, therefore, they can have the lawless freedom to kill anyone they want to have God agrees with them about the kill, you have to make law clearly free the people who can 情趣用品have the good will to respect your law to do the same kill to rely on God agrees with the kill as well. You cannot use force to force anyone to do the forceful dirty crime, you use force to force anyone to do the forceful dirty crime, you must be killed and go to hell 票貼s rather sooner than later, because you take away the less evil to get the time to grow up their good out, they must have no other choice but hide under lies. That's why your law makers must have to do the duty to clearly make law to tell your people that every one of them to have th 票貼e right to do the kill as long as they can have the good will and good skill to do the kill most merciful way by one good gun shot.You allow anyone who got the mean and way to use money to gamble in your Stock Market to become rich and/or famous, you must have no right to punish any less evil poor to use gun to 長灘島 rob (Every one must have right to live the richest way like he or she wants<Because your gifted and talent given to you free of charge, you have no right to waste your gifted and talent to become lifeless money tool, you dare use your gifted and talent to bend to money tool, you have to be killed and go to hells rather sooner th 房屋買賣 an later. This is why your college must have no right to teach business, business must have to be run by people who likes to make money than study like hardly educated 王永慶 and 張榮發 alike.>, you want to take the most convenient way to get rich and famous, you have to have the guts to take most extreme convenient way to kill instead of t ARMANIhreaten, because gun is for you to use to kill, not for you use to threaten, you use gun to threaten to get money, you are worse than thief to hide in the dark to steal.) your stock market formed It or/and ITs and those It or/and Its share holders.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 吳哥窟  .

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          Anyone occupy public site to do any protest, must be killed Immediately You know how to read and write, you dare rely on your feet instead of using your hand to write or to type, you must be killed immediately; you don't even know how to read and write (You don't know how to read and write, you can only die with your own mad or hate, or follow some 西裝one loved cared respected by you to kill like that old time Chinese black faced 張飛 done) , you dare care any politician issue, you must be killed immediately.You sucking shameless "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" dare rely on population violence, you forced your best Egypt Pres 室內設計ident must have to step down, because he done the best fair and balance policy to ban every one from using internet: any thing good better best can do, you must not ban anyone less good from doing (That how you must not hire anyone who works for money but love duty , because you work for any 土地買賣 man made form, you must have no way to work for honor <That how 神算.Drew.Good.Liang" ***That how "Drew.Good.Liang" crying so hard so sad on "周瑜" funeral floor {Because commit the crime of lie of sex, dare kill any non-sex liar, must be locked inside his own most miserable nightmare endlessly }; that how "Lin 酒店工作.覺.Mean" deserve to be killed rather sooner than later, because had any married man indeed fallen in love with his wife, he would not care any thing else as long as he can afford to live in most isolated life not to be bothered by anyone else; in ancient China time and in Japanese time Taiwan, every man can afford to live in the n 酒店經紀atural wild freely along with that woman deeply loved cared by him *** dare "耍.Lie.Jay.Jean.州" unselfishly like Satan dragon down anyone else unselfish in order to make sure no less good can have any path or stick to fly; that how you can blame yourself or your government to allow anyone brought any less good into your place to suck; because without man mad 買屋e form, there's no way any less good can survive with good natural wild freely>, you can only kill for honor-"Tea.Ten.Sin.Dow" to kill with your best will and best sniper skill to help anyone to leave this Satan owned world behind in that most merciful free way that only Man can have right to do that honorable job or duty, because it's the daughter of God forced God 婚禮顧問 must have to give up his life to rest in order to save her out of cold cold hard hell, therefore, woman cannot be honorable to do any duty for God but please God order to stay at her own place to hide her shame. Woman can be honorable only after she giving her life to a honorable man; that how even virgin Mother Teresa must have to stay in dark side no way to be honorable.); you want to ban any evil 婚禮佈置doer from doing any thing, you have to ban all less evil from doing it first (That how you sucking Yahoo Taiwan must have no right to delete any my personal write before you delete all your own sucking shameless Yahoo writer who sold their words and their time their life shamelessly brainlessly immorally for lifeless money to suck, not mention your sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard Taiwan government.) You know how to rea 澎湖民宿d and write, you have to rely on read and write to solve any issue, you must not allow to rely on oral voice to debate, unless all oral voice user limited to Man only. You just need to listen to how difference between my oral voice and my write to figure out by yourself why woman must not be allowed to have any debate orally. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 土地買賣  .

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          劉玉璞之死 新聞挖挖哇:劉玉璞之死(2/7) 20090519 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-XYViCBhuU&feature=related (7:50) It is a lie when you hear anyone telling you that medicine or drug (You must not take any medicine or drug made by western to deal with your inside problem, western drug can only for your outside body use. Because any inside medicine is evilest liars US politicians on purposely made to dragon down all Chinese good remaining. That 開幕活動 may explain how come Germany used only made drug or medicine for outside body use only.)can help you out of the sick of sad. Woman does not feel be loved should be provided a peaceful decent comfortable place to starve to die. You may provide fresh water beside her to allow her to have the freedom to choose to drink or dry, when she lost the ability to feed herself, it is a non-stop point, she must fin 建築設計ish that dry out will, you must not feed her in any way. Man does not necessary need to be loved, when man feel sad, he should be provided a wild wild natural place with fire arms on hands to live by himself to kill or be killed at his free time. --------------------------------------------------- 新聞挖挖哇:劉玉璞之死(4/7) 20090519http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff0YIspLZic&NR=1 (03:18) The husband's first 吳哥窟 duty is to care/love/service his wife. Man must leave his parents to build up his own home with his wife. Man who loves God more than his wife, must divorce immediately. Female "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must not ever have sex with anyone, no matter how beautiful sexy she may looked like, because "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is a lie, like Chinese said "Zhong.看不.Zhong.用", therefore, if she ever married to anyone, she must have to ma 膠原蛋白ke sure that man can care/love/like her without sex life. No mention to have any kid. ------------------------------------------------------------------新聞挖挖哇:劉玉璞之死(5/7) 20090519http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQrAJImJas&NR=1 (00:36) The kid deeply injured when the mother let the kid feel self is the loser to his or her mother's selfish shameless sucking talk show or "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" lies. That how you any TV, radi 個人信貸o share holders CEO boss every hire any kid's mother to work in your place, must be killed rather sooner than later. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (05:00) Woman once lost her pure virgin, she lost her "自愛" capacity, that how female "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must keep pure virgin to the end. Woman once lost her pure virgin, she must stay at her own place to wait for her good luck or to starve to die. Had 劉 買屋玉璞 not jumped into "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" pool, not ever be a mother, she would have certain had the good luck to meet her only true love man if she chosen to stay at her own place by herself. 劉玉璞's parents refused to care their daughter are right, because she already has her own kids, she lost her right to be her parents's crying baby. Female "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" needs to be aware that you must have to keep your pure virgin to the end, female "Yan.Ill.Bi 找房子.Lay"lost her pure virgin must rather die sooner than later. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (06:16) It is a lie. 劉玉璞 dad did not ever hit her. How I am so sure? Because those panels talked about 劉玉璞's mom told her dad to hit 劉玉璞, the same time talked about how her linked family bound worried and concered her when she was running to try to commit suicide on that sea shore showed their crime of lies. This TV hostess a 租屋bused her TV place to commit the crime of lies in order to fear her slaves how she can abuse the TV to tooled fooled her underground chained slavery terrors force for her selfish shameless gang and gain. -------------------------------------------------------------- (09:40) It is "Y.Myan" need to change. That how that late China King who own the continent of America left his will to order the entire continent of America back to wild wild natural life. Because even the best China 澎湖民宿King must have no way to deal with his "Yo.Yu.Zheng" when he has to be forced to do the heavy duty that he really has no way to love like to do freely.It is the crime of shamless cold cold hard when anyone got paid to talk about the issue of "Love Care Health", not mention to got paid to do the love care health. Shame on those "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" cold cold hard panels of liars.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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          2009 09 03 新流感 馬英九國務機要費增加1000萬!真敢要啊and星雲和尚語出狂言~~(達賴不該來台灣)and馬英九永遠都不會錯 都是別人的錯!! 國務機要費增 民進黨:總統不宜增加「私房錢」 明年度中央政府總預算負成長,然而總統的國務機要費卻增加3成,由今年的3000萬元提高到4000萬元。對此,民進黨發言人鄭文燦2日表達反對,並要求總統信守承諾,每周上網公告國務機要費的使用明細。鄭文燦指出,明年度中央政府總預算案的歲出預算負成長ˋ3.9%,然而被視為總統私房錢的國務機要費,明年編列額度卻從今年的3000萬元增為4000萬元,增幅 信用卡代償達3成;總統府明年度舉辦音樂會的預算也從今年的188萬元,擴增為300萬元,增幅近6成。他認為,在國家財政困難、政府支出削減情況下,國務機要費不宜增編。鄭文燦還說,馬總統在今年5月接見台灣透明組織時,承諾要上網公布國機費使用明細,他籲請總統府每週公告內容。針對總統府發言人王郁琦表示,國務機要費適度增加,能照顧更多的弱勢族群。鄭文燦對此則進一步批評,他說:『(原音)到底是總統私房錢提高?還是弱勢團體的福利增加?一個總統要照顧弱 吳哥窟勢,需要用國務機要費嗎?需增加一千萬私房錢,國家有如此多社會資源不好好規畫利用,卻要用這種方法變相增加私房錢,毫無說服力。』鄭文燦還指出,政府已債台高築,總統卻要提高私房錢,過去馬總統為前副總統連戰祝壽、聽歌手白冰冰演唱會及到宜蘭買特產都用國務費埋單,也等於是全民埋單。他請總統府能多苦民所苦,以身作則、不浪費。 >...................................................................................................................... 酒店打工....................馬總統國務費提高為照顧弱勢? 鄭文燦:沒社福機構嗎? 針對總統府明年度自行編列的國務機要費預算,從原本3千萬元提高至4千萬元,民進黨發言人鄭文燦今(2)日表示,政府的財務拮据,總體預算已削減了3.9%,總統府卻自行將國務機要費提高,特別是總統府明年度舉辦音樂會的預算,從188萬元提高到300萬元,完全感受不到馬總統與民眾共體時艱,因此民進黨要求,總統府必須公布國務機要費使用明細。鄭文燦指出,去年總統國務機要費使用狀況,包括幫連戰祝壽、聽白冰冰 宜蘭民宿音樂會、買宜蘭特產等,都是用國務機要費支出。鄭文燦進一步表示,馬總統在接見國際透明組織代表時承諾,將公布國務機要費明細,甚至每週公告上網,以示透明;但馬總統的承諾跳票,去年的國務機要費使用情況,到目前為止並沒有作明細公布,而是媒體踢爆、立委要求下,才一一承認。對於總統府發言人王郁琦解釋,國務機要費提高是為了弱勢團體的福利,鄭文燦批評,「到底是總統私房錢提高,還是弱勢團體的福利增加?」鄭文燦說,作為總統如果要照顧弱勢,需要用國務機要費嗎?國家有這麼多社福資源,政府不好好規劃利用,反而?節能燈具H此為理由,變相增加自己的私房錢,根本無法說服民眾,希望馬總統以身作則。 >...........................................................................................................................................星雲:達賴這次不該來 針對達賴喇嘛訪台造成的爭議,星雲大師昨日接受大陸中央媒體駐台記者聯合採訪表示,這次達賴來台程序不對。正因為程序不對、時間不對、地點不對,來了就會發生問題,希望對兩岸關係不要有損失。星雲指出,達賴喇嘛這次不應該來台灣。來了,宜淡處理。「我認為,這次達賴到台灣 長灘島來,對他不利,對民進黨不利」。星雲認為,達賴是位宗教人士,要來台灣,理應由宗教界邀請。用政治人物、政治途徑來邀請,他就變成政治人物了。此外,台灣這次災情如此嚴重,達賴要來,應讓救災的地方來邀請。「沒有受災的地方邀請他,就是宗教之外的政治操弄」,星雲強調。 >..........................................................................................................................................星雲批達賴不守份際 陳瑩嗆:他自己不也是政治和尚?! 針對星雲法師傳出批評達賴喇嘛是「政治人物,不守份際」,民進黨籍 東森房屋立委陳亭妃今(2)日說,「半數民眾認為達賴是來救災,已經說明一切」,不過對於星雲的說法,立委陳瑩則不以為然的說,「他(星雲)自己不是也是政治和尚嗎?」中國時報指出,星雲昨日表示,「達賴不應該來台灣,應該宜淡處理」,報導中更指出星雲說,他認為達賴此時接受政治人物邀請來台,「對台灣不利、對達賴不利」,而星雲接受政治人物邀請到沒有受災的地方,也讓自己變成政治人物。對於星雲的說法,陳亭妃說,民調結果是最重要的,「昨天媒體公佈民調,有半數以上的民眾認為他來台是來救災,不是政治目的」。她還表示,宗教的問題,大家(民眾)心裡有一把尺,「誰做什麼事?買房子A大家都很清楚!」 >...........................................................................................................................................毒家報報╱馬英九永遠沒有錯、沒有輸! 馬英九「永遠沒有錯」之外,還要加上馬英九「永遠沒有輸」,才能說明這個人到底在想什麼!當人家說,李登輝在921震災時做得比八八水災的馬英九好,馬英九硬拗,「我的國軍出動的人次比老李的要多」,但是他卻忘了,如果災區的淤泥一天沒清乾淨就撤軍,那麼就一切攏是假啦。馬英九日前到屏東縣佳冬鄉塭豐村時,對於林邊鄉清淤泥的承諾是否跳票,馬英九又開始辯解,這次國軍動員50萬 開幕活動人,比921做的還好,還傳出國軍將撤軍,只留下1000人繼續清理。馬英九想要說的是,他的救災比李登輝做得好,但是很諷刺的是,自己的七日承諾跳票了不說,部分國軍繼續留下,不正表示災區根本還沒清理乾淨嗎?馬英九還建議災民以工代賑,和國軍合作清理家園,這句話就怪啦,既然災民自己都清不完了,怎麼還會有時間能力放著自己家要清不管,跑去賺清別人家的這筆錢呢?台灣西海岸的漂流木不知凡幾,已經影響到沿海漁民的生計,漁船、漁網動輒遭到勾壞,損失以幾十萬元計,林務局遲遲不打撈處理,漁民自己去處理卻要被告竊佔國有財產,請問你馬英九管不管?是不是因為老李沒處理過這種事,不用跟老李比救災政績,所以就跟你無關? 辦公室出租  .

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          台中汽機車借錢 寶輝當舖:反覆膀胱發炎 當心膀胱癌 下腹不適、解尿灼熱感反覆膀胱炎,當心罹患膀胱癌。醫師收治1名55歲女性,因有慢性膀胱發炎病史,但 花蓮民宿忽略解尿灼熱感等症狀,後來檢查竟是膀胱癌,提醒反覆膀胱?東森房屋═@定要檢查。 榮新診所泌尿科主任沈秉慶今天在記者會表示,日前收治1名55歲女 澎湖民宿性,經常下腹不適,解尿時有微微灼熱感,但因過去有慢性膀胱發炎病史,以為又是膀胱發炎,因此不以為意,最?網路行銷嶀ㄤ峈A症狀仍未改善,才就醫檢查,經膀胱鏡及切片檢查發現為原位性膀胱癌。 沈秉慶說,慢性膀胱炎是指6個月內有2次或2次以 G2000上反覆性膀胱發炎,或發炎超過2星期以上,好發於女性,且與感染、泌尿道結石、更年期、抽煙等因素有關。 慢性膀胱炎典型症狀可能伴有下腹不適,解尿疼 酒店工作痛或灼熱,合併有血尿及尿急、頻尿等情形,沈秉慶說,門診中很多患者輕忽反覆性膀胱炎症狀,以為只要忍一忍或自行服用抗生素就會好轉,但其中可能潛在腫瘤危機。 沈秉慶說,根據?借貸磥漸~文獻顯示,膀胱惡性腫瘤大多在50-70歲發生,且50%以上臨床表現為無痛性血尿,慢性膀胱發炎會使膀胱黏膜細胞長期被發炎反應刺激,因而導致細胞病變現象,就可能引發膀胱惡性腫瘤。 另外,對於較易罹?新成屋w膀胱炎的民眾,沈秉慶說,有症狀一定要就醫,平常要多喝水、勿憋尿,飲食上可多攝取含有較多維生素A 、B及C的食物及蔓越莓,避免經常食用辛辣食物、巧克力、含有咖啡因、糖精、酒精的飲品及碳酸飲料與高油脂食物 推薦網?濾桶?台中寶輝汽車借款,胎毛筆,肚臍印章,台中派報,台中機車借款,台中借錢,台中當舖,高雄汽車借款,高雄機車借款,高雄當舖 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用貸款  .

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          小故事, 大啟示 與您分享一個小故事 暑假期間,一位昔日好友由倫敦回來。我們約在信義路金石堂五樓的咖啡屋中見面。 夏日的午後,鬱熱難當,我拉著女兒的手,走在人潮滾滾的街道上,覺得整個城市似乎要燃燒起來。 女兒的小手,常因逆向行走的行人的衝撞而由我手中鬆脫,然而,很快地,又會上前來。 我們就在商家吆喝聲、行人討價還價聲中,斷 澎湖民宿斷續續地聊著,女兒問我即將和什麼人見面, 我說:「是媽媽大學畢業後留在學校當助教時的同事,由很遠的英國回來。」 女兒側著頭天真地問:「是不是從很遠的地方回來的人,都要約著見面,請他們喝咖啡?」 「那倒不一定啦!媽媽那時同她感情最好,一起做助教時,她很照顧媽媽 太平洋房屋。」 女兒鍥而不捨地接著問:「大人也還要人家照顧嗎?她怎麼照顧你? 是不是像蔡和純照顧我一樣?教你做功課?」蔡和純是她的同班同學。 我聽了不由得笑了起來說:「大概差不多吧!人再大,也需要別人照顧呀!對不對 ?像爺爺生病了,也要我們照顧嘛!對不對?...」  「那?房屋買賣A生病了嗎?那時候?」「生病倒沒有。不過,那年,有一段時間,媽媽的心情很不好,覺得自已很討人嫌,人緣很差。 就在那年聖誕節前幾天,我發現王阿姨偷偷地在我辦公桌上放了張她自己做的賀卡,上面寫著: 我不知道怎樣形容我有多麼喜歡你,祝你佳節愉快。』 媽媽看了好感動。這張卡片改變了當時媽 酒店兼職媽惡劣的心情。更重要的是,給了我很大的鼓勵, 使我覺得自己並不那麼討厭!」女兒聽了,若有所思,低頭不語。  我和朋友見了面,開心地談著往事、彼此探問著現況,女兒一旁安靜地聽著, 不像往常般吱吱喳喳搶著說,我們幾乎忘了她的存在。  一會兒工夫後,女兒要求到三樓文具部去看看。十分鐘後,女兒紅著臉,氣喘吁 關鍵字廣告吁地上樓來, 朝我悄悄地說:「先借給我一百元好嗎?我想買一個東西,回去再從撲滿拿給你。」 我和同學談得高興,不暇細想,知她不會亂花,便拿錢打發她。過沒多久,她又上來了。 面對朋友,恭敬地立正,雙手捧上一盒包裝精美的禮物,一派正經地說:「王阿姨!送你一個小禮物,你從那麼遠的地方來。」 朋友和我同時大吃了一驚,朋友手?關鍵字行銷炸L措,訥訥地:「那怎麼行! 我怎麼能收你的禮物!我英國回來,沒帶禮物給你,已經很不好意思了, 而且,我是大人,你是小孩兒....」 女兒很認真地併攏腳跟,無限深情地說:「我媽媽說你是她最好的朋友,謝謝你以前那麼照顧我媽。」 一股熱氣往腦門兒直衝了上去,我喉嚨驀地哽咽了起來,眼睛霎時又濕又熱,我束手無策, 萬萬沒想到女兒竟會如此做。朋友的眼睛也陡地紅了 賣房子起來,嘴脣微顫,卻是一句話也說不出來, 只緊緊摟過女兒,喃喃說道:「謝謝啊!謝謝..」 這回輪到女兒覺得不好意思了。她伏在朋友肩上尷尬地提醒朋友:「你想不想看你得到什麼禮物啊?」 朋友拆開禮物,是掛了個毛絨絨小白兔的鑰匙圈。  女兒老氣橫秋地說:「會照顧人的人一定會很溫柔的,所以,我選了小白兔,白白軟軟的,你喜歡嗎?」 朋友感動的說:「當然喜歡了,好可愛的禮物?租屋網C 我回英國去,就把所有的鑰匙都掛上,每打開一扇門,就想一次你。......真謝謝啊..」 女兒高興得又蹦又跳地下樓去了,留下兩個女人在飄著咖啡香的屋裡領受著比咖啡還要香醇的情誼。 生命中總有不同階段的朋友來來去去,但大多數的人們只用回憶懷念舊朋友,時間越久 ,友誼慢慢就淡了,不論多深厚的感情終究敵不過歲月的考驗,除非我們自己願意用心經營 !! 所以身邊總是新朋友比較多,但有些朋友雖然無法豐裕 酒店經紀自己的生活,卻能溫暖自己的生命 ,每當想起他(她)時,看到他(她)時,心情就會很快樂,很開心,或許你我都曾經擁有過這樣的朋友 ,也曾經因為不珍惜而失去了這樣的朋友 !! 幾年後,我們還會是好朋友嗎 ?我的好友 ?   一句好話、、一句問候,一個微笑 滋潤別人生命,也讓自己的心靈生活更加豐厚。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! G2000  .

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